Synonyms for tubulus in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for tubulus. 9 words related to tubule: tube-shaped structure, tube, microtubule, nephron, uriniferous tubule, uveoscleral pathway, seminiferous tubule, vasa efferentia. What are synonyms for tubulus?
Proximala tubulus k.) Henles slynga l.) Distala tubulus m. innervation för nedanstående muskler: (6 p) m. brachialis m. rectus femoris m. soleus 3.
Нефронның бүйректік өзекшелер жүйесіне: проксималді өзекше (tubulus contortus proximalis), проксималді тік өзекше (tubulus rectus proximalis), жұқа өзекше (tubulus attenuatus) және дисталді тік (tubulus rectus distalis) және дисталді 1988-05-01 · Postnatal development of the connexion between tubulus seminiferous and tubulus rectus in the bovine testis. Wrobel KH, Schilling E, Zwack M. Cell Tissue Res, 246(2):387-400, 01 Jan 1986 Cited by: 5 articles | PMID: 3779817 The tubuli seminiferi recti (also known as the tubuli recti, tubulus rectus, or straight seminiferous tubules) is a structure in the testicle connecting the convoluted region of the seminiferous tubule to the rete testis, although the tubuli recti has a different appearance distinguishing it from these two structures. 2021-04-10 · 2 Tubulus rectus proximalis. Tubulus attenuatus 3 Pars descendens 4 Pars ascendens . Überleitungsstück (intermediärer Tubulus) 5 Tubulus rectus distalis.
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5288 njurbäckenet. 5289 'per os'. 5770 per rectum, p.r. * ▻genom ändtarmen. 5771.
Glukos tas Svarsförslag: M. psoas major, m. iliacus, m. rectus femoris.
The intratesticular ducts are subdivided into three main portions: the terminal segment of the seminiferous tubules, the tubulus rectus and the rete testis.
Histology Learning System [ Male Reproductive System, testis, tubulus rectus] the continuation of the tubulus seminifer contortus which straightens just before entering the mediastinum to form the rete testis. Synonym(s): tubuli seminiferi recti testi [TA], straight seminiferous tubule ☆ , tubulus rectus the testicular artery - a counter current exchange mechanism The Testes The tunica vaginalis – derived from peritoneum, has visceral and parietal layers Septa of the albuginea divide the testis into 250-300 lobules, each having 1-4 seminiferous tubules The tunica albuginea – the dense CT capsule of the testis Each testis is surrounded by: Todd FA14 Tubulus rectus Todd FA14 Tubulus rectus The tubuli seminiferi recti (also known as the tubuli recti, tubulus rectus, or straight seminiferous tubules) are structures in the testicle connecting the convoluted region of the seminiferous tubules to the rete testis, although the tubuli recti have a different appearance distinguishing them from these two structures.. They enter the fibrous tissue of the mediastinum, and pass upward and Medical Definition of Tubulus renalis rectus. 1.
avgasrör n rör för avgaser tubulus emissarius avgift n consto avgrund att allt onödigt och oväsentligt tagits bort rectus avsked n uppsägning
n. One of two or three twisted, curved tubules in each lobule of the testis in which spermatozoa develop. Translations in context of "Tubulus" in German-English from Reverso Context: Der Tubulus wird ausserhalb seiner Basalmembran von einer Schicht Myofibroblasten und Fibrozyten umgeben. ‘The rectus femoris runs straight down the front of your thigh and, ideally, should protrude farther than any of your other quad muscles.’ ‘It may also be represented by a single muscle bundle between the lateral and superior recti.’ Se hela listan på Tubulus rectus distalis (Mittelsttick) Tubulus colligens (Sammelrohr) (A) Nephron longum IjuxtamedullareJ (B) Nephron breve [corticalel Corpusculum renale IMAI-PIG' Capsula renalis [BOWMAN] mit Glomerulus Arteriola afferens und efferens Tubulus proximalis (Hauptsti Polus tubularis (Harnpol) Tubulus contortuS proximal Tubulus rectus proximalis Henles sløyfe er den rette delen (tubulus rectus) av nyrens tubulusapparat som går ned og opp igjen i nyremargen og derved danner en U-formet sløyfe eller slynge. . Sløyfen begynner rett etter at tubulusrøret har dannet en nøstelignende buktning (tubulus contortus proximalis), og den øverste (nedstigende) delen er bygget opp av kubisk epitel med mi Os tubuli seminiferi recti (também conhecidos como tubuli recti, tubulus rectus ou túbulos seminíferos retos) são estruturas no testículo que ligam a região contorcida dos túbulos seminíferos ao rete testis, embora os tubuli recti tenham uma aparência diferente, distinguindo-os destes, duas estruturas. statusas T sritis histologija, ląstelių chemija, histologinė chemija, audinių kultūra atitikmenys: lot.
The straight testicular tubule adjacent to the terminal segment is modified into a cup region encompassing the terminal plug, followed by a narrow stalk region, which is lined by simple columnar epithelium. Mononuclear free cells are a constant feature of the tubulus rectus epithelium in all stages of postnatal development. Histology Learning System [ Male Reproductive System, testis, tubulus rectus]
Tubuli seminiferi recti The tubuli seminiferi recti (also known as the tubuli recti, tubulus rectus, or straight seminiferous tubules) are structures in the testicle connecting the convoluted region of the seminiferous tubules to the rete testis, although the tubuli recti have a different appearance distinguishing them from these two structures.
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At their junction with the glomerular capsule they exhibit a somewhat constricted portion, which is termed the neck.
Rectus Lateralis. Titta lateralt. PONS. 7.
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tubulus rectus distalis, pars recta tubuli distalis: FMA: 17717: Anatomical terminology [edit on Wikidata] Within the nephron of the kidney, the ascending limb of the The renal tubules, commencing in the renal corpuscles, present, during their course, many changes in shape and direction, and are contained partly in the medullary and partly in the cortical substance. At their junction with the glomerular capsule they exhibit a somewhat constricted portion, which is termed the neck.
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Due to a strong proliferation of the tubulus rectus-cells the straight testicular tubules elongate continuously, and the border between the rete system and the
tubuli, 75%), papillär njurcancer (10-15%), kromofob njurcancer och Per rectum (PR). okt 24th The tubuli seminiferi recti (also known as the tubuli recti, tubulus rectus, or straight seminiferous tubules) are structures in the testicle connecting the convoluted region of the seminiferous tubules to the rete testis, although the tubuli recti have a different appearance distinguishing them from these two structures. the continuation of the tubulus seminifer contortus which straightens just before entering the mediastinum to form the rete testis. Synonym (s): tubuli seminiferi recti testi [TA], straight seminiferous tubule ☆, tubulus rectus Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 Want to thank TFD for its existence? tubulus rectus distalis, pars recta tubuli distalis: FMA: 17717: Anatomical terminology [edit on Wikidata] Within the nephron of the kidney, the ascending limb of the Those cells of the seminiferous tubule that are cut off from the basal lamina by invading rectus cells degenerate. Between 40 and 52 weeks the adult situation is principally achieved. The terminal segment of the seminiferous tubule is tripartite consisting of transitional region, intermediate portion, and terminal plug.